This title reminds me so much of my trip to Scotland last summer... I had the joy of spending 5 weeks in the UK working with sweet 10-11 year old students in one of the public schools there. It was a wonderful experience, and I am so glad I got to be a part of it.
But that's not the point of this post! I'm joining yet another linky party. It's fun watching my hit counter go up uP UP because so many of you lovely people out there are just like me: blog stalkers. I love to read anything and everything that people post, especially in hopes of great new blog ideas, classroom ideas, or whatever!
So here's my contribution!
1. Why did you start blogging?
I started blogging because I wanted to keep track of my first year of teaching. I want to share what I learn in this next year of my education career, and I know that the blogging world is such a great place to be encouraged, inspired, and held accountable! I love technology, and I want to put my creativeness into use, as well. A blog is perfect for that.
2. What blogs do you stalk? What blogs inspire you?
Oh my goodness...This could become a long, LONG list. I will keep it concise for time's sake. I wish I could figure out how to make a decent blogroll on WordPress (regretting not just keeping my blogspot account!) So here's my list:
3. Blogging tips, tools, and great ideas you have learned along the way
I really don't have any tips, tools, or great ideas. What I've just been doing is creating nice content and pretty things on GimpShop and PowerPoint, posting regularly, and joining linky parties in hopes of people noticing my blog. I'm thinking about joining the Teacher Blog Traffic School once I start getting more content up, but for now I'm just enjoying using this blog as a place to just write to whoever wants to read it!
4. Blogging and balance
Nonexistent! Right now, I'm not in school, and the school year hasn't started. Blogging and blog stalking is almost a 24/7 thing lately. It's getting to be an addiction. If someone has some tips on how to relax a bit and not blogstalk, PLEASE let me know what you do to curb your addiction. :)
5. What are your blogging goals for the summer?
- Have 50 people following me! I'm not sure how I'll accomplish that, but I bet I could if I put out great content!
- Meet great teacher bloggers who will give me guidance in my first year of teaching.
- Put up new content at least twice a week.
Thanks goes to Sprinkle Teaching Magic for hosting this linky party!
Also, thank you to Jen's Kinder Kids for posting her linky in the first place!
I would not have found out about this without her lovely post.
Also, thank you to Jen's Kinder Kids for posting her linky in the first place!
I would not have found out about this without her lovely post.